Our Music
We believe in the importance of worship songs rooted in the deep and rich theology of the Bible.
Songs have the ability, through memorable melodies, to powerfully tell of truth and, thus, there is a great responsibility for songwriters to saturate their lyrics in sound doctrine and convey right theology, and a right view of God, through what is crafted in the prose of the words that are written.
Not to say that the music of the songs is not important, but we would say that the lyrics are vastly more important. More than genre or style, more than the time period that the song was written, the church must discern whether the songs that are being sung are theologically accurate and rooted in biblical substance.
Worthy to be Worshipped / Worthy (Reprise) - Single

The idea of this song came out of our own family worship times. We wanted to focus on the reasons why God is worthy of our worship, why He is our greatest treasure, why it is so beautiful that our Sovereign God is so big and we are so very small. We've been singing this song together for awhile now and we hope that, if you happen to be interested in giving it a listen, that it may be a blessing to you, as well, in pointing you to see more of the wonder found in beholding who God is and all that He alone has done for His people.
Acoustic Sessions - Volume One - EP

For the first volume of Acoustic Sessions (along with all the volumes to follow), we wanted to do two things: root the words of the songs deeply in biblical truth and Christian doctrine, and play them in a way that would enable a church (no matter its' size or its' number of musicians), to be able to sing the songs together. Acoustic Sessions was recorded in an intimate setting with few instruments and vocalists, and with the core focus of the songs being the proclamation of the truth of God's word.
Light to My Path - EP

This EP is a collection of songs that we had previously written as we had been studying specific passages of Scripture over the last number of years. Some have been slightly remixed in order to ensure that the focus is on the theological content of the lyrics and, similar to the Acoustic Sessions albums, our intent was to point towards being able to play and sing these songs in either a family worship setting or congregationally in the corporate worship gathering, regardless of the number of musicians involved.